Sunday, June 24, 2007

Day 3

What a great start to the day. Megan slept from 1-6 this morning, which allowed Mom and Dad some much needed rest. Megan had a little business to attend to today. She passed her hearing screening, and received her first Hepatitis-B shot. Grandma and Grandma stopped by for one more visit before their trip back to New York. Jim and Mike also stopped by to meet Megan first hand. They brought a wonderful gift basket for Mom.

1 comment:

Aun said...

Congratulations Matt and Jen and welcome little Megan!

I'm sorry for my delay in writing but I love the photos. I especially like these new ones of Jen and Megan - the sweetest!

I wish you all the best and hope us McDougal friends can meet her some day.

Best Wishes!