Sunday, July 26, 2009

Children's Island Visit

Megan took her first boat ride aboard the Hannah Glover to visit a place Jen spent many of her childhood summers - Children's Island. This island is about 2 miles off the coast. We spent the day playing in the pool, throwing rocks at the beach, and getting an insider's tour of the island. It was a trip down memory lane for Jen, and a delightful day for us all.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mid July

Our old weather pattern of RAIN was back in force this week except for Monday when Megan and Mom went to the beach. But of course we have still been having fun. This coming week is looking better but sadly, summer is half over!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sand Sculpture Festival

Megan went to the Sand Sculpture Festival yesterday and also stayed up late to watch the fireworks. Both were a hit and Megan loved saying "boom".

Big Girl Bed

Well, it finally happened on Saturday July 11; Megan climbed out of her crib and is now in a big-girl bed. It's been a little bit of a transition but Megan is handling it pretty well. We think it's been harder on Mom & Dad. We've had to take a bunch of items out of her room and everyone has gotten a little less sleep this past week. On the positive side, the weather has finally realized it is July and we've been having lots of fun outside!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July 2009

Megan had a great 4th of July. She went to the "horribles parade" in the morning and then had a neighborhood BBQ with friends Will & Greta in the afternoon. Megan also enjoyed watching the fireworks even though it was after her bed time. She kept saying "Happy Birthday America"!

Megan & Friends

Megan has been having lots of fun with her friends. There has been a lot of kissing going on as well!

The Fote's

Megan met up with her great Uncle Frank & Aunt Jo and lots of Fote cousins. It was fun to meet Mommy's godfather!