Sunday, April 26, 2009

YMCA Fun Run

Megan ran 20 yards in her second "Fun Run" today and had a great time. It was a beautiful day and there were TONS of kids there to cheer Megan on, along with her friend Will. Megan also enjoyed the warm up by dancing the YMCA song. She also got to see Nana and Jimmy and Mom & Dad's friends Stefan and Kirby.

Marine Exhibit

Northeastern University brought some of it's Marine life to town. Megan enjoyed being able to see and touch a starfish, snail, hermit crab, and a big crab.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

Last week Megan met up with her neighborhood friends Dylan, Jacob, Will and Greta for a beautiful afternoon at the playground. Everyone had a great time and amazingly we got all the kids to sit for a minute for a photo shoot!

Easter In New York

Hop Hop! Megan got to celebrate Easter in NY this year with Grandma & Grandpa. Even though the weather was a little chilly, Megan enjoyed her weekend!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Fun With Friends

Megan is finally feeling better after about 6-8 weeks of colds off and on!

Megan got to see her neighborhood friends Will & Greta and got to enjoy lots of snacks and toys. She also spent the afternoon with Mom and Dad's friends from college, Kerry & Christian. She enjoyed playing with her new "Mrs. Potato Head" and showing Kerry & Christian her Red Sox PJ's. Just in time for opening day! Go Red Sox!