Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving/Megan Turns Five Months

On this day of thanks, we are especially thankful for Megan. As she turns five months old today, we continue to be amazed by her. She brings us so much joy.

Here are some pictures from Megan's first Thanksgiving. Megan got her first taste of rice cereal. She seemed to like it. We meant to get a photo of Megan next to our turkey, but Mom and Dad were too hungry, and couldn't think straight!

Happy Thanksgiving All!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Over the River.....

...and through the woods to Grandma's (and Grandpa's) house we go!

Megan took her first overnight road trip to NY for an early Thanksgiving celebration since Mom has to work on Turkey day. She was very good during the drive and had lots of fun hanging out with Uncle Ryan as well! Megan was all dressed up and even got to sit at the dinner table in her own high chair. She showed everyone her new favorite thing to do (rolling over) and got lots of undivided attention. She also got to check out her Christmas stocking and visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hagadorn.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Patriots vs. Bills

Tonight was another exciting rivalry for Mom and Dad since Mom is a Pats fan, and Dad is a Bills fan. Mom let Megan dress up in her Bills dress because it is very cute. Mom knew that the Patriots would take a commanding lead and remain undefeated so she had to do something to make Dad feel better. What a year to be a Boston fan! Go Patriots!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

World Series Champions

While we were in the process of moving, Megan was just thrilled to be a part of the Red Sox winning the World Series! She is a proud member of Red Sox Nation, and just knew the team could pull off winning to honor her arrival for 2007! Here she poses with Big Papi and the trophy. Mom hopes to take Megan to see the real trophy sometime soon.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Halloween

Hooray! We are back online! Megan is happy to share her Halloween photos with you. She had a great Halloween and even went trick-or-treating to a few of our new neighbor's homes. As you can see she was extremely cute as a pumpkin.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Hi Everyone! I know it's been a while since you've been updated on Megan's progress. Mom and Dad have been super busy since their move to the new house last week. Unfortunately their new internet connection won't be ready until November 13th so they can't post any new pictures and video until then.

Megan has had a lot of great things happen the past couple weeks! She was thrilled to see the Red Sox win the World Series, celebrated her first Halloween as a pumpkin, and has started rolling over onto her belly. We've got pictures and video of it all so be sure to check back next week.