Saturday, June 30, 2007

Operation: Dinner Out

Another beautiful day here, so we spent the morning out on the deck before going for a walk. We also ventured out to dinner for the first time as a trio. We had a great time and Jen got to have a long awaited watermelon beer. A specialty at Beer Works.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Megan Turns One Week

While not a significant milestone, we couldn't resist mentioning it! We are just so happy she is finally here!

We went for a walk on the beach, and a few visitors stopped by - Colleen, Sergio, Christian Jr., and Kerry. We also made a copy of Megan's footprints. For scale, use the length of a credit card. Her feet are a little shorter than that.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 7

Day 7 brought another first - Megan's first walk on the beach. While she slept the entire time, we are sure she enjoyed it!

WebNusery Photo Link

Here is the link to some photos taken by the hospital photographer.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 6

Megan's first night at home went well. She slept for longer periods of time than we expected, but surely did appreciate.

We went to the pediatrician in the morning, and everything looked good. Megan has gained 3 ounces since she left the hospital.

In the afternoon, our friend Maija stopped by with some treats and to get some quality time in with Megan. She had some rocking chair time with Nana too.

Here are a few more pictures of our girl. She changes everyday!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Day 5

Today was discharge day from the hospital. Jen stopped by the NICU with Megan to say hi before we left. We also got a quick picture with one of the nurses that took such great care of Jen.

When we arrived home, we unpacked what we could and then all three of us took a nap. In the evening, Megan took her first bath.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Day 4

Today was picture day for Megan - the highlight of the day! The hospital's baby photographer came around and it was the perfect opportunity dress Megan in her yellow aloha dress. What a perfect fit for our little surfer girl! We'll get the picture scanned in later this week.

Later in the day, Jen's co-worker, Jody, stopped by to visit. Megan otherwise filled the day with eating and sleeping.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Day 3

What a great start to the day. Megan slept from 1-6 this morning, which allowed Mom and Dad some much needed rest. Megan had a little business to attend to today. She passed her hearing screening, and received her first Hepatitis-B shot. Grandma and Grandma stopped by for one more visit before their trip back to New York. Jim and Mike also stopped by to meet Megan first hand. They brought a wonderful gift basket for Mom.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Day 2

Megan had a relaxing day today. She spent last night in the nursery, so Mom and Dad could get some sleep. The nurses did bring her in to the room every two hours so Mom could feed Megan. Other than that, Mom and Dad were practicing their 2-hour power-napping technique!

Megan had lots of visitors today. Grandma and Grandpa Eaton drove all the way from New York to spend some quality time with their first grandchild. They also brought Megan her first Yankees onesie, which Dad was happy to see!

Nana Young also stopped by to say hi, and brought some much needed pizza to refuel Dad. Thanks Nana!

So, enjoy some pictures from Day 2. We can't wait to see what Day 3 brings!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Megan's Arrival

We had an early morning today, but it was worth it. Megan Elizabeth joined us at 8:10 AM. She weighed in at 6 pounds, 11 ounces and at a length of 19 inches. Both Mom and baby are doing great. Here are some photos from her first day so far!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Megan's Bedroom

Check out some pictures of Megan's room. Now all we need is the baby!

Megan's Birthday Picked

We had our 36 week ultrasound on Friday to confirm what we've known all along. Baby Megan is breech. Her head is pretty firmly lodged under my right ribcage so there is really no option to try to turn her around. She is also a "frank breech" meaning her feet are up by her head. At least we know she is flexible! Here is a picture of her face with her hands below.

So, we got to pick her birthday. Megan will make her big debut on the morning of June 22nd. It's a little crazy that she will be here in two weeks! She can't wait to pose for some real pictures for you all. We are very excited and will be certain to really celebrate Matt's birthday on the 16th. It might be our last chance to get out for a while!